Scale Sales leads with contact data verification, real-time people search…
Automated recruitment advertising network with AI continuous process…
AI Based Multichannel and Multilingual recruitment platform
AI-powered software developer hiring platform
Identify flight risks in your org
All-in-One w/AI – Recruitment Marketing, ATS, Assessment, Career Center,…
AI scheduling assistant
Applicant Tracking System for corporate and staffing
iPaaS, Workflow Automation, AI
Email AI and Video AI for Recruitment
Teaches Leadership and Communication with VR and AI
Video Lessons and AI based Virtual Interview Practice Tools
Artificial Intelligence Based Recruitment Software with Video Interviewing
Simple AI Interview Scheduling
Video assessment platform
Task based, AI-powered sourcing, engagement and selection platform
Digital video and voice interviewing software
Evaluate candidates’ real potential – beyond their CV
Career Site System
Experience Management Platforms – Customer, Employee, Product and Brand
Candidate Screening, Scheduling and Engagement at Scale
Candidate engagement and analytics platform
AI based talent matching technology
AI-driven hiring platform and cloud-based recruiting software
Database of over 300M people
AI Video Recruiting
AI based assessment platform
AI based recruiting software that automates screening
Personality assessments and insights by AI-chatbot
Automated screening
Virtual Interviewer with Human Predictive Analysis
Human capital management with real data, customized AI
Personality Assessments to understand and improve relationships
Computer science programs and faculty, ranked
AI skills based assessment tool
AI and pyschometrics based talent evaluation
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tools, apps and websites for recruiters