Recruitment ATS – GDPR compliant
AI-based personality prediction
Reduces bias in job ads, anonymizes CVs, D&I data analysis
AI/GPT powered job search site that auto-sends job openings based on your CV or…
Resume database for finding passive and active candidates
UK Job board with free Gender Bias Decoder
AI resume/CV and job posting parsing software with social media (LI, Twitter,…
Video based talent hiring platform (CVs, Screening, Interviewing, Assessments)
Resume and CV parsing and candidate matching
Spain job board with 10M+ CVs
Conscious inclusion decision support platform
End to end hiring software – focuses on creating compelling job postings
Machine Learning CV matching to job specs
ATS for Companies, Recruitment firms and Staffing Agencies
Links to 40 different Custom Search Engines
Global healthcare job board
Voice- and AI-driven screening and engagement platform
Video recruitment platform and ATS
Video Recruiting and Assessment
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tools, apps and websites for recruiters