Find Competitor’s customers – For Lead Generation, Market Analysis,…
Security tool protects you from web3 scams by auditing transactions and…
AI performs facial recognition, passive & active liveness detection, and…
Search safely with web threat protection for Chrome
Protect yourself while sourcing (phishing, malicious websites, etc.) –…
Shows which apps that have access to your info and files – Chrome…
Copy Chrome Ext # and paste into this tool to check CE safety and risks (Dean…
Find where shortened URLs lead to without clicking/opening them – Free!
Detailed skills matrix for information security pros
Glossary of Common Cybersecurity Terminology
Independent and private search engine/browser – no tracking/profiling of…
Privatize and secure your online searches with this ad blocker
Encrypts/secures communications with websites – Firefox, Chrome, Opera…
InfoSec news aggregator platform – news, podcasts and videos
Encode or decode text strings and JavaScript URLs
Encode to and Decode from BASE64 data format
CSE that prevents Captchas suspecting you are a bot and not a person
Hiring Military personnel for private and cyber security
Generate fast and secure reference checks
Programming interview and screening tool – candidates write and run…
Database of advanced and security-sensitive Google search strings
Recruiting Software and ATS – build by recruiters for recruiters and HR
Information Security Encyclopedia
Computer Security Resource Center – thousands of searchable InfoSec terms…
Security, defense, and intelligence job board
Keep track of apps that have access to your personal information
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tools, apps and websites for recruiters